
Hello! I am Karin. My mum went to England. I was good boy!


I got friend and she came from Fletcher & Newman!
ぼく、友だちができたの。この子は Fletcher & Newman(ピアノパーツ、工具のお店)から来たんだよ。

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Forte sections; continued

There were several piano restoration workshops and factory exhibitions. My particular interest is ROTHE PIANO restoration workshop for antique pianos. If I have a chance, I would like to visit their workshop next time.

修理工房、修理専門の工場も出展していました。とりわけ、アンテイークピアノ専門のROTHE PIANOはとても興味深かったです。次回は是非この工房を訪れたいと思います。


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