Musikmesse 2012 Frankfurt Germany – day 2

Forte sections; continued

There were several piano restoration workshops and factory exhibitions. My particular interest is ROTHE PIANO restoration workshop for antique pianos. If I have a chance, I would like to visit their workshop next time.

修理工房、修理専門の工場も出展していました。とりわけ、アンテイークピアノ専門のROTHE PIANOはとても興味深かったです。次回は是非この工房を訪れたいと思います。



They very kindly explained about old pianos and gave me information about material for shellac and French polish. I also visited a material shop in Stuttgart. I am quite interested in French polish techniques.

スタッフの方は、とても親切に説明してくださり、特にピアノ外装塗装に使用する材料シェラックについて、材料店を教えてくれました。機会があったらFrench Polishをとってもやってみたいです。イギリスでコースに参加しようかな。

 This is material for French polish.



This is such a beautiful upright piano. I like it very much! I found the piano fairy in there!



The piano action maker, Renner was there! Mr David Fry of Renner UK (I lost a chance to take a photo of him! Sorry). Mr Matthias Stockle kindly arranged for me to visit the Renner factory in Stuttgart during my visit. Please see “Factory visit

アクションメーカーのレンナー社。DavidさんとMatthiasさんが、お忙しいにもかかわらず、工場の見学をアレンジしてくださいました。詳しくは→Factory visit


Ensemble sections; A whole floor was devoted to YAMAHA.

Bow sections; Stringed instrument manufacturers were present.

I really would like to start to learn the violin!



 Jurgen Klier 

 Mr Jurgen kindly taught me how to play the violin!


Nota sections; Sheet music
