The Musikmesse is the world’s leading trade fair for music, musical instruments, sheet music, music production and music business connections.
Frankfurtで行われたMusic Fairに参加してきました。ヨーロッパで行われる楽器、音楽フェアーでは一番大きなものです。
The photo by Mr Geoff Townsend
'The Colt Clavier Collection'
The Musikmesse is the world’s leading trade fair for music, musical instruments, sheet music, music production and music business connections.
Frankfurtで行われたMusic Fairに参加してきました。ヨーロッパで行われる楽器、音楽フェアーでは一番大きなものです。
Forte sections; continued
There were several piano restoration workshops and factory exhibitions. My particular interest is ROTHE PIANO restoration workshop for antique pianos. If I have a chance, I would like to visit their workshop next time.
修理工房、修理専門の工場も出展していました。とりわけ、アンテイークピアノ専門のROTHE PIANOはとても興味深かったです。次回は是非この工房を訪れたいと思います。
Around Frankfurt city. It was a very warm day so that Sakura, cherry blossom has just bloomed!