After the convention, I and Piano Fairy visited St Albans, Hertfordshire. This is wonderful place!
The photo by Mr Geoff Townsend
'The Colt Clavier Collection'
After the convention, I and Piano Fairy visited St Albans, Hertfordshire. This is wonderful place!
The annual P.T.A. Convention was held in the historic city of Darlington, North East England. Darlington is known for its rich engineering history with the birth of the modern railway.
今年のイギリスのピアノ調律技術者協会のコンベンションは、ヨークシャーの少し上に位置する Darlington で開かれました。ここは、工業技術でとても歴史ある所で、鉄道の発祥の地でもあるそうです。
The convention is continued from 1. コンベンション1からの続きです
– Exhibition –
Mr Neil Sale/KAWAI UK Ltd. It was good to see you again!
Piano concert by Julian Saphir with Shigeru Kawai concert grand.
ニールさん、お久しぶりです。Shigeru Kawai でピアノコンサートも。
Hello! I fund special entrance for my journey to Derlington and York by train from London at the King’s Cross station.
Hello! I am Karin, honorary director of 88KEYS. My mum went to England. I was good boy (Of course!!) so, I got special cat food from Waitrose. Waterose is her favourite supermarket in the UK!
こんにちは ぼく 88KEYS の名誉取締役のかりんです。ママはイギリスに出かけてたの。もっちろーん、ぼくは良い子にしてましたよー だからママは Waitrose からお土産を買ってきてくれたの。 Waitrose はイギリスでママのお気に入りのスーパーなんだよ。
She went beautiful countryside like a fairyland. Please take a look!