Wishing you a season filled with peace and joy. Happy Easter!

Fortunately social distancing measures have been eased this season of Easter!
We, Cathedral Choir have sung Messe solennelle, Op.16/Louis Vierne at Easter Day service.


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Firstly, I sincerely hope that you, your family and your loved ones are in good health in these uncertain times. Thank you very much for using 88KEYS piano services. I and Piano Fairy is grateful to work with your piano again now.

いつも88KEYS ピアノ調律メンテナンスサービスをご利用いただき、ありがとうごございます。このたびの新型コロナウィルスに罹患された皆さまと、感染拡大により生活に影響を受けられている地域の皆様に、心よりお見舞いを申し上げます。

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May the blessed sunlight shine upon you and warm your heart.

During this hopeful time of year, I wish you God blessings in this Easter, joy and all the best in this difficult time of outbreak COVID-19.

St John’s Cathedral services are suspended until further notice.
Unfortunately, we, cathedral choir is not able to sing this year of Easter.

コロナウイルスの影響で、今年のイースターは自宅で過ごすこととなり、St John’s Cathedral の聖歌隊も歌うことは叶いませんでした。この困難な時期ではありますが、みなさまに祝福の暖かい光が降り注ぎますように。