This little piano needs basic maintenance today. Oh — This is my favourite vacuum cleaner Dyson!
The photo by Mr Geoff Townsend
'The Colt Clavier Collection'
This little piano needs basic maintenance today. Oh — This is my favourite vacuum cleaner Dyson!
I received a special order from my client for piano maintenance as a birthday gift for his loved one. The piano fairy and I were happy to prepare such a special event.
Hello! I am Kitty. My piano is YAMAH C1, age 13 years needing basic maintenance and regulation for friction free touch so, Eri-san is here!
Look! What is this black thing??? Hello Charlie, do you know what is it?
見て!この黒いものは何でしょう? チャーリー君、こんにちは。これ何かわかる?
It’s nice and cool in Hong Kong! We are not using air-condition now but there is still high humidity level so that we need use dehumidifier.