Hallet, Davis and Co. regular maintenance アメリカのピアノの定期メンテナンス

Christmas is around the corner. Piano Fairy also enjoy the festive season with the piano! Regular maintenance is really important to keep the piano in good condition.


It’s getting cool in HK and supposed to be nice cool and dry weather started now. But unfortunately humidity level is high every day. Piano fairy told me that we need turn on the dehumidifier.
香港もずいぶん涼しくなってきました。本当ならわりと乾燥して過ごしやすい季節のはずですが、湿度が高くじめじめが続いています。ピアノフェアリーが、このお部屋の除湿機をつけるように 教えてくれました。


Look! 73% in this room.  The piano had a lot of movement in this time due to weather changed. As a result of this movement, minor regulation is necessary.


I fund strange noise emanate from the piano. Oh! HK dollar was underneath the keyboard!!


Christmas music is ready to play. Enjoy!