The convention is continued from 1. コンベンション1からの続きです
– Exhibition –
Mr Neil Sale/KAWAI UK Ltd. It was good to see you again!
Piano concert by Julian Saphir with Shigeru Kawai concert grand.
ニールさん、お久しぶりです。Shigeru Kawai でピアノコンサートも。
Coach House Pianos
Largesr quality piano retailer in the UK and over 300 pianos including Bösendorfer, Steinway & Sons, Bechstein, KAWAI, YAMAHA.
Mr Tim Rusling Tim さん、こんにちは!
“Bösendorfer Class”
speaker Ferdinand Bräu, Bösendorfer Technical Director
sponsored by Coach House Pianos
I like Bösendorfer very much. I am so pleased to attend this class today!!
ウイーンのベーゼンドルファーからトップテクニシャン、Ferdinand さんのレクチャーです。
He introduced the recently developed Vienna Concert models, described the design and Bösendorfer sound character, and also told us how wonderful Vienna is; the city of music has great historical connection with artists and venues. I would like to visit Vienna with Piano Fairy!
最近の新しいVienna Concertモデルの紹介、そのデザイン、ベーゼン独特の音の響きについて説明され、音楽の都ウィーンならではのコンサートホールとベーゼンドルファーピアノの繫がりを歴史を交えながらお話いただきました。ウィーンにピアノフェアリーと一緒に行きたいなー
And he explained comparison of older and newer Bösendorfer, regulation, voicing techniques.
Thank you so much for taking the picture with me, Ferdinand-san!
Ferdinand さん、お写真をご一緒させていただき、ありがとうございました。
– Pucket Challenge 2018 –
Oh dear… my name is there…
あらー なんと、私もこのトーナメントに加えられてしまってました… ほとんどやったことがないゲームで敗退です(笑)
Final; Mr Neil Sale vs Mr Tim Rusling and Winner is Tim ☆
ファイナルは、Tim さんの勝ちでしたー
Tea time with Piano Fairy!
Welcome to ♪♪ Mr Graham’s “Panetteria” ♪♪
His home made Spiced Marmalade, Baby Figs in Syrup and Quince Jam! Piano Fairy told me that baby figs were grown his kitchen garden. I enjoyed it with cheese and red wine. It’s very delicious!! I and Piano Fairy would like to visit his shop when he opened! Thank you so much, Graham-san.
Hello! I am Karin. My mum enjoyed in England together with Piano Friary.
Graham-san, I like your Quince jam very much because…. You know what Quince is similar with Japanese quince call “KARIN” which is my name!! My mum told me that she named me KARIN from this plant ☆☆☆
I had a wonderful time during the convention. Everyone, thank you very, very much indeed. See you next year again!
→Beautiful countryside Yorkshire きれいなカントリーサイド、ヨークシャー