YAMAHA U3 with Max and Maggie

Hello! I am Max. I like my piano very much. I am waiting Eri-san to tune the piano.

こんにちは!ぼくマックス。このピアノ大好きなんだ。Eri さんが調律するのを待ってるの。

Max 2 Max 1

Thank you very much for waiting me, Max. Would you please give me a place for tuning?


Shelagh U3 1 Shelagh U3 2


The weather is getting a little more bearable in Hong Kong. It’s cool today around 19-23C but there is a humidity level around 85% outside. Look! 67% in this room. Need dehumidifier!


Maggie 1


Eri-san, I am Maggie! Hummm… I smell the other cat on your bag. Maggie-can, I think this is Karin who is my boss 88Keys cat director !!!

私、マギー!フムフム… Eri さんのツールケースから他の子の匂いがするー!マギーちゃん、これはかりん君のだと思うよ。彼は私のボスで88Keys の取締役なの。

See you!  またねー