YAMAHA U3 action repair with Yuki

Hello! I am Yuki. The meaning of Yuki is the snow by Japanese. I am good friend of the Piano Fairy! My piano needs to have basic maintenance and the action repair today.

こんにちはー ぼく、ユキです。ぼくって色白でしょ?日本語で雪の意味です。ぼくね、ピアノフェアリーとお友だちなの。今日は、ピアノの整備とアクションの修理が必要なんだ。

   Yamaha U3 7

My piano is 42 years old and my mum told me that she played it when she was a child. 
Many of the parts got worn so, the parts need to be replaced. I see….  flange cord, bridle straps, centre pins.


Yamaha U3 1 Yamaha U3 4

Hello Yuki, I am Karin the director of 88KEYS Ltd. I am checking your piano with Eri-san!

ユキ君、こんにちはー ぼく、88KEYSの取締役、かりんです。Eriさんと一緒に君のピアノをチェックしてるよ。

1.  with Karin Yamaha U3 3

Yamaha U3 2 Yamaha U3 5

Well, Eri-san has God Hand to repair the piano. Finished!

あのね、EriさんはGod Handでピアノを修理します。終わったー!

3 Yuki with Yamaha U3 I am waiting ….zzzz

2 Yuki with Yamaha U3 Yamaha U3 6

Dear Karin, Oh, it looks great! Thank you so much for taking care of my piano. 


See you ♪♪