KAWAI K-3 with Ms Sheva

Hello! I am Sheva, 14 years old. Please do not think of me as being so old. I am still very active!

こんにちはー 私、シェバ。14歳なの。でもそんなに歳とっていると思わないでよね。まだまだ活動的なんだからー!

 Sheva 7 Sheva 1

My piano needs first year maintenance today! 
The piano needed to settle itself into the new home environment during the year. Pianos use living breathing materials, that includes pieces of cloth, felt, and buckskin, as well as wool, wood and metal, so there is movement. As a result of this movement, regulation is necessary.

新しいピアノは、倉庫からお家に運ばれてきて1年くらいの間に、そこの場所の新しい環境に徐々に馴染んできます。 ピアノは、ウールのフェルト、バックスキン、木などの自然素材、そして金属部分でできていますので、お部屋の環境と共に動きが出ます。今日は、このピアノの初年度のメンテナンスです。

K-3 1 

K-3 2 before K-3 3 after

There are many dust under the keyboard. Cleaning!


K-3 4 K-3 5

Need regulation.  調整も必要です。

Sheva 5 

Eri-san, this is my favourite place!

Eri さーん、ここね、私のお気に入りの場所なのよ。

Sheva 3

I am often just staying beside the piano to enjoy the sound when my dad is playing the piano. Do you know why? 

The sound is vibration and energy. The Piano Fairy told me that animals are very pure beings so that they naturally recognize the pure energy and a good sound. The clear and a good sound also affects the flow of energy in the room, and it will purify the room and reduce the energy level, as well as giving a healing environment to all of us which is beneficial. I think this is one of the reasons why acoustic musical instruments continue to be loved more than 200 years by many people!



Sheva 4

Eri-san, See you again!  また会えるの楽しみにしてるよー