Charlie the apprentice of Eri-san

Ho Ho Ho —!  I am Charlie the apprentice of Eri-san. Christmas is just around the corner!
Merry Merry ♪♪

ホッホッホー!ぼく、Eri さんの弟子のチャーリー。クリスマスはもうすぐだよー

charlie-1  sjcc-party-3

We had Christmas party for St John’s Cathedral Choir! Choir has been very busy for the Christmas season. We had finished a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carol just the Sunday before and going to sing Midnight Mass on 24th.

St John’s Cathedral Choir 聖歌隊のクリスマスパーテイーです。聖歌隊は、この時期クリスマスでとても忙しくなります。この間の日曜日はNine Lessons and Carols 9つの聖書の朗読とキャロルのサービスが終わったばかりです。次は24日に行われる真夜中のミサで歌います。

sjcc-party-1  sjcc-party-2

♪♪♪ Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation, — ♪♪


Dear Charlie and Wendy (his mum!), Thank you so much for always!
