
Hello! I and Piano Fairy went to Japanese dessert cafe at Causeway Bay. Green tea “Matcha” soft-serve ice cream with red bean “Azuki”. I am so happy to have my favourite in Hong Kong!! It’s delicious!


Green tea ice VIA TOKYO at Causeway Bay

See you!


Hello! I am Karin. Today, a small package arrived from Japan. Look! This is my favourite snacks —!!! Hoshikama and special dry food.


 Karin 1  

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It was beautiful day. I and Piano Fairy with our friends went hiking around the hotel, starting from Last Drop Village through the Towers and Turrets about 6 miles/9.5km.

素晴らしいお天気に恵まれたので、私とピアノフェアリーは、友人たちと一緒にハイキングに出かけました。Last Drop Village から Towers and Turrets を抜けて9.5kmです。

Hiking 3 Hiking 10

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