
Hello! I am Karin. My mum went to England. I was good boy!


I got friend and she came from Fletcher & Newman!
ぼく、友だちができたの。この子は Fletcher & Newman(ピアノパーツ、工具のお店)から来たんだよ。

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恭喜發財   Kung Hei Fat Choi!
All best wishes for a wonderful Year of the Snake!


This is red envelopes with small money called “Lai see” 利是. Traditionally in Hong Kong, this gifts will pass out during the Chinese New Year celebrations from married couples and the elderly to “unmarried” person.

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Hello every one!
My mum went Japanese supermarket today and bought my favoruite.

Look at this! These are my favourite Japanese cat food that “Katsuobushi” taste.
Well, my mum’s favoruite is also there that is Japanese rice crackers and Caramel Corn. Please do not eat a lot mum —!

2nd of October was HK holiday as the day following National day. I had invited to a Japanese pot-luck branch party at my friend’s home. We, five Japanese ladies brought Japanese food cooked by their own recipes. Look at this!

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