YAMAHA C3 with Ms Lily

Hello! I am Lily 1 years old. I am good friend of the Piano Fairy, and he told me that I can hide behind of the piano as I am truly black colour same as the piano!!


C3 2 Lily


Look! This is a special cover for the grand piano to prevent from dust and dropped something into the piano. The size is 133 x 36 cm fitted for YAMAHA C1-CF, and also can be used similar size of the other piano.

 これは、ピアノの中にものが落ちたり、埃が入ったりしないようにする特別なカバーです。サイズは 133 x 36 cmでヤマハ C1-CFまで対応でき、同じサイズのピアノでしたら、他のメーカーのものにも使用することが出来ます。

C3 1 C3 cover 1


Oh —!! There are many dust on the cover. It works very well. Piano Fairy told me that they are very happy to use it! Let’s start cleaning the soundboard!


C3 6 C3 7


Clean – clean – clean ♪ ♪ ♪ きれい きれい  きれーい

C3 4 C3 5


Last maintenance was sometime ago so that the piano needs carefully to check movement of the action today, as health examination.


C3 3


The piano is ready to play! Enjoy.


C3 9 C3 10

Lily, see you again!  リリーちゃん、またねー!