YAMAHA C1 with a little Khublai

Hello Eri-san, I was happily waiting you for maintenance of my piano today. Welcome!

こんにちは!ぼく 今日Eri さんがピアノのメンテナンスに来るの楽しみの待ってたんだよー。

Khublai 1

This a little fluffy friend is a good friend of the Piano Fairy too!



Oh No –!! There is plenty of mold growing inside the piano…xxx


C1-2 C1-4

The piano had a lot of movement due to high humidity in the room, and the action was still damp so, remove the moisture from and make dry the action flange gently. After this, the movement of the action was smoother. Well, the tuning is next.


C1-7 C1-5

Eri-san, look! The room condition is better now after turned on the dehumidifier.

Eri さん、見てー! 除湿機つけたらお部屋の状態が良くなったよ。

C1-8 C1-6

The piano is now a joy to play and the original brilliant tone has come back. Please keep your loved piano be healthy!


 Khublai 3 tea time

Eri-san, Shall we have some tea? Dear Khublai, Thank you so much. It’s delicious!

Eri さーん、お茶にしない?クブライ君、どうもありがとう。とっても美味しい!



The weather in Hong Kong is unusually so foggy and too humid still continuing up to now. Please prevent the piano from the condition of being damp.


See you!  またねー