YAMAHA G2 basic maintenance with Lulu

Hello Eri-san! I am Lulu. I am so happy to see you with Piano Fairy.

Eri さーん、こんにちは!私、ルル。ピアノフェアリーと一緒にお会いできて、とってもうれしいわ。

Funi G2 1 Lulu4

My piano needs basic maintenance today. How can I help you, Eri-san?

今日、私のピアノは、整備が必要なの。Eri さん、手伝うわよー

Funi G2 5 Lulu1

Lulu, thank you so much. Let’s start with cleaning inside the piano!


Funi G2 2 Funi G2 3

Clean, clean, clean  ♪♪   クリーン♪クリーン♪クリーン

There is a corrosion of metal due to high humidity level. It’s very common case in Hong Kong.


Funi G2 6 Funi G2 7

I have been cleaning the surface and under the keys, cleaning the balance hole and polishing the balance & front pins. After that, the movement of the key was smoother. 



After finished basic maintenance, I have been adjusting the keyboard.
Eri-san, I can check it. Piano Fairy told me the piano has a very nice touch now! 

ピアノの整備が終わったら、鍵盤の調整をします。Eri さん、キーボードのチェックするわね。ピアノフェアリーがタッチがとっても良くなったですって(にっこり)

 Funi G2 4

It’s time for tuning!



See you!  またねー