Hoffmann and Kühne with Schoko

Guten Tag! Mein Name Schoko und ich komme aus Deutschland.
Today, my piano needs to have regular check up so Eri-san is here!

こんにちは!ドイツから来たショコです。今日は定期メンテナンスで Eri さんが来ています。

Schoko 1 Hoffmann 4

Hmm… There is a corrosion of metal parts due to high humidity level. I have been cleaning and polishing the capstan screw and balance & front pins. After that, the movement of the key was smoother.


Hoffmann 2 Hoffmann 3

Hoffmann 1


Eri-san, My dream is to be a football player of  Fußball-Bundesliga! Shall we talk about it with Piano Fairy during tea time?

Eri さん、私ねブンデスリーガのサッカー選手になるのが夢なんだー!ピアノフェアリーと一緒にお茶しながらこのこともっと話さない?

Schoko 2 Tea


Happy Easter!

Easter  Tschüss!  じゃあねー!