YAMAHA U3 basic maintenance with Ming

Hello! I am Ming. Did you remember me? My piano needs to have basic maintenance so Eri-san is here again.

こんにちはー ぼくミンです。ぼくのこと覚えてるかなー?ぼくのピアノは整備が必要なので、Eri さんがまた来てくれました。

U3 1 Ming 3


The piano is quite new but there is a corrosion of metal parts due to high humidity level. I have been cleaning the surface and under the keys, cleaning the balance hole and polishing the balance & front pins. After that, the movement of the key was smoother.


U3 2 before U3 3 after

U3 4


Ming?? What are you doing? Oh— please give me a place!!


Ming 4 Ming 2


I like to check inside the piano! OK— Eri-san, you do quality work.

ぼく、ピアノの中を調べるの好きなんだー!Eri さん、なかなか良い仕上がりだね。

with Ming


Ming, thank you for your comments. Please enjoy music with Piano Fairy!
