KAWAI K-3 with Sheva

Buon giorno, Eri-san! Mi chiamo Sheva. I am happy to see you again!

Eri さんこんにちはー! 私、シェバよ。また会えてとってもうれしいわ!

k3-1 sheva-1

Dear Sheva, I and Piano Fairy is also happy to see you again! Oh –, you are maintaining the room environment very well. Piano Fairy is very happy about it! Sheva, Thank you so much.



Tuning ♪♪ 

k3-3 k3-4

Eri-san, I feel that a good energy is produced from good sound. 
Dear Sheva, you know it! You are very good.

Eri さん、とってもいい音から良いエネルギーが来てるわ。

The sound is vibration and energy. The Piano Fairy told me that animals are very pure beings so that they naturally recognize the pure energy and a good sound. The clear and a good sound also affects the flow of energy in the room, and it will purify the room and reduce the energy level, as well as giving a healing environment to all of us which is beneficial. I think this is one of the reasons why acoustic musical instruments continue to be loved more than 200 years by many people!




 Ciao!  チャオ!