Sakura in Tokyo 2017

Hello! Eri-san, I am here, here!!

Eri さーん、ぼく、ここだよーここここー!


Inogashira Park 井の頭公園

Piano Fairy?? Oh, it’s you, is it? I was thinking where was the Piano Fairy. Somehow it was very quiet here….   He is in Japan!!



Shakujii Park  石神井公園


Megro River   目黒川

I have had special lunch “cherry-blossom-viewing” party (Ohanami) at the park with special lunch box (Ohanami Bento). It’s really wonderful! Eri-san, please join me next time.

ぼくね、お花見弁当持って、お花見パーテイーしてきたんだ。すばらしいよ。Eri さん、この次は一緒に行こうよー


Ueno   上野 The Japanese garden at The Tokyo National Museum has opened to the public particularly for this season.




It’s really very beautiful Sakura. Dear Miwako, Thank you so much for taking the photos.


Kurome River, Higashikurume   東久留米 黒目川