Hello Eri-san! I am Bela. I am very happy to see you. My piano has problem that the key can’t move properly…xx
Eri さん、こんにちはー 私、ベラ 会えてとってもうれしいわ!私のピアノね、鍵盤が戻ってこないの。。。
Eri-san, I am Sam. I can help you! Me too (This is Skye)!
Eri さん、ぼくサム。手伝うよ!ぼくもー(この子はスカイ君)
Thank you so much everyone. I am so happy to see you all. Oh –!! There are many sand inside the piano…xxx Why??? The piano needs do cleaning the detail.
I am Vache. Piano fairy said “I feel refreshed after cleaning inside the piano!!” Happy!
Tuning! Ah— Sam! Eri-san, I would like to see inside the piano!
調律しましょ。あらら。サムくーん!Eri さん、ぼくピアノの中見たいの。
Finished! Please enjoy to play with the Piano Fairy.
終わったよー ピアノフェアリーと楽しんで弾いてね!
See you! またねー