The annual P.T.A. Convention was held in the historic city of Darlington, North East England. Darlington is known for its rich engineering history with the birth of the modern railway.
今年のイギリスのピアノ調律技術者協会のコンベンションは、ヨークシャーの少し上に位置する Darlington で開かれました。ここは、工業技術でとても歴史ある所で、鉄道の発祥の地でもあるそうです。
It was cold morning around 5-7C but I enjoyed a lot of green and flowers with Piano Fairy! Eri-san, Peter is here –!
朝は5-7度でしたが、緑とお花がいっぱい!ピアノフェアリーと楽しみました。Eri さん、ピーターもここにいるよー!
– The convention –
I attended the seminar during the convention which was a very good class. There is many interesting classes and I was able to select 3 classes this time. We had a good opportunity to share our knowledge and experience with each other. Some of them came from Europe!
“All about Abel Hammers”
Speaker Norbert Abel, Managing Director
Abel Hammer Company, Germany is making hammers for many top end piano manufactures and 350,000 sets of hammers are produced a year. We learned the process of the felt making and used live videos to take a tour through the Abel Hammer Factory in Germany.
He introduced Biofelt Project 2003-2006 sponsored by EU which the aim is to determine the actual qualities of felt, to reduce the damage to wool fibres during processing, to develop new and better felt qualities using “eco-friendly” methods. He and Frank Abel were selected to participate in this project and led to the development of the Abel Natural Felt. It’s very interesting!!
とても興味深かったのは、EU で2003-2006年に掛けてバイオフェルト・プロジェクトが掲げられ、質の良いフェルトを保ち、ウールの繊維にダメージを出来る限り与えないようなプロセスをして、今まで以上に良いフェルトを地球環境に優しい形で開発する、というもの。そして、アベル・ナチュラル・フェルトが出来ました。
Abel Natural Felt has NO through the carbonizing process (=bleaches the wool)
Usually this process removes almost all the lanolin. Abel Natural Felt has 10x more natural lanolin than regular felt.
Remaining lanolin enables the felt to remain more elastic for particularly piano hammer, and minimises moisture absorption which is maintaining stability in humid climates.
I think the strength of the felt is good for Asia!
baa– maa–! めぇー
There was good wool long ago. But now, it’s becoming more and more difficult for finding good quality of wool in the world. As you know sheep is living. They are protecting their skin by their hair (=the wool). Their hair quality is changing due to climate change in the earth… such as strong sunlight etc. Also tree and forest is changing…
I hope that we can make good harmony with all the living things on the earth.
昔はとても良いウールが取れました。でも今は、良い品質のウールを調達するのが難しくなってきています。みなさんもご存知のように、羊さんも生きています。ウールで自分の身体を守っていますが、地球環境の変化に伴い、羊さんの毛も変わってきています。強い日差しから守るため、毛質が固くなったり、食べている草の質だったり… 木も森も変わってきています。
Tea time! お茶の時間です。
“Practical Grand hammer Fitting”
Mr Barry Caradine, President of Pianoforte Tuners’ Association, well-known as the piano specialist in UK, gave us essential Hands-On class.
イギリスのピアノ調律技術者協会のプレジデント、Barry さんのグランドハンマー修理のクラス。
After finished Abel Hammer Class, this class is practical Hands-On!!
Barry さんはいつもとても丁寧に指導してくれます。
Barry-san, Thank you so much. ありがとうございます。
“Talk on Broadwood Pianos and Beethoven”
Dr Alastair Laurence, John Broadwood & Sons Ltd. explained historical Beethoven’s grand piano. This is a very interesting story!
コンベンションで特別に、あのブロードウッドピアノのAlastair 博士がベートーヴェンのために贈られたピアノの話をしてくれました。とっても興味深いお話です。
1817, Thomas Broadwood visited Vienna and met the 47 years old Beethoven. He was already suffering near total deafness and he had often requested Viennese maker to provide louder piano which he could hear better. Then, Thomas realised that his own London built grand piano were louder and more powerful than Viennese one.
After Thomas returned to London, he decided to surprise Beethoven with the generous gift of new Broadwood grand piano. The piano was delivered to London Docks on 27 Dec.1817 and ready to ship on across the Mediterranean Sea by a sailing boat to northern Italy, and through the Alpine pass to reached Vienna early May 1818 —-!!! Amazing journey…
Beethoven composed 3 great sonatas Opus 106,109,110 with this piano. Dr Alastair kindly gave us the copy of the letter written by Beethoven to Thomas Broadwood in 1818.
I think the piano was the gift from Heaven for Beethoven!!
Dr Alastair, thank you so much.
その後、このピアノでベートーヴェンは3つのソナタを作曲しました。Alastair 博士のご好意で、1818年にこのピアノを弾いたベートーヴェンがトーマスに宛てた手紙のコピーを頂きました。トーマスが贈ったピアノは、天からの贈り物だったに違いありません。
Exhibition of Beethoven’s Broadwood Grand Piano Apr.-Jun.2018
・Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, Hungary
・Beethoven’s birth place, Beethoven-haus, Bonn, Germany
Alastair 博士、ありがとうございました。
→ to be continued “The Convention 2018 at Darlington, Durham 2”