There are many wonderful things in England!
Hereford Cathedral
I attended Evensong service and surprisingly Three Choir sung together!! The world famous Three Choir Festival will be held at Hereford in this year. On the day, Gloucester, Worcester and Hereford sung something special. How wonderful my Hereford Cathedral experience was!
Hereford大聖堂の聖歌隊が中心のサービスEvensong に行ってみたところ、なんと3つの大聖堂の聖歌隊が一緒に歌っているではありませんか!そうなのです。ヨーロッパで一番古いフェステイバルと言われているThree Choir Festival が今年はここHerefordで開かれるので、今日はHerefordに準備のために来ていたそうです。すばらしい音楽を堪能しました。
Old tea shop at Hereford
Canterbury Cathedral
Magnificent cathedral
I think a carrot cake with white tea is best combination of tea time. It was so fresh and delicious!
Animals around me always!
She is Humbug. この猫ちゃんは穏やかでした。
It’s time for me to go back to London.
Buckingham Palace
The area around Buckingham Palace was busy for preparation of Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
Fish & chips おいしい!
My favourite St James’s Park.
St Paul’s Cathedral
I bought the cats food for KARIN in England and he likes very much!