Hello! I am Bimi. My loved piano needs good maintenance so, Eri-san is here!
The meaning of my name is “beautiful sea” by Japanese.
私の大好きなピアノは、いいメンテナンスが必要なので、Eri さんが来てくれました!
My piano needs basic maintenance today. I am helping Eri-san with Piano Fairy. Let’s clean inside the piano first. There is a corrosion of metal due to high humidity level. It’s very common case in Hong Kong.
今日はピアノの整備をするの。私、ピアノフェアリーと一緒にEri さんのお手伝いをしてるのよ。まずはピアノの中のお掃除から始めましょう。鍵盤にあるピンは湿度が高かったせいか、金属部分の腐蝕を起しています。これは香港では良く見るケースです。
I have been cleaning the surface, under the keys and the balance hole, and polishing the balance & front pins. After that, the movement of the key is made to be smooth.
La La skip! skip! It’s very fun! ♪♪ Sol Mi Mi ~ Fa Re Re ~♪♪
ららら~ スキップ スキップ 楽しいわー! ♪♪ ソミミ~ ファレレ~♪♪
Dear Bimi, thank you so much for helping me. Let’s put the action back to the piano! Eri-san, Piano Fairy told me the piano has a very nice touch now. Happy!
美海ちゃん、手伝ってくれてありがとう。さあ、アクションをピアノに戻しましょう。Eri さん、ピアノフェアリーがピアノのタッチが良くなったですって。うっれしいな!
Bimi-chan, where are you? The piano is very nice sound now. Please try to play the piano with violin.
My dad plays violin very well. My brother Kai-kun also plays the piano! He accompanied his dad on the piano. I am enjoining to dance with their music!
Eri-san, this is my favourite place!
Eri さーん、ここ私のお気に入り!
Dear Bimi, thank you so much for being together with me today. I look forward to seeing you and your piano again!