Piano maintenance with COVID-19


Firstly, I sincerely hope that you, your family and your loved ones are in good health in these uncertain times. Thank you very much for using 88KEYS piano services. I and Piano Fairy is grateful to work with your piano again now.

いつも88KEYS ピアノ調律メンテナンスサービスをご利用いただき、ありがとうごございます。このたびの新型コロナウィルスに罹患された皆さまと、感染拡大により生活に影響を受けられている地域の皆様に、心よりお見舞いを申し上げます。

I am taking sensible precautions every visit as professional manner for prevent your side and myself. Cleaning all the surfaces, the keyboard and surrounded area of the piano before and after I finished my work using a kind of disinfectant liquid and others. I sincerely look forward to seeing you and your piano soon!


Sending a heartfelt thank you to all of the healthcare workers on the front line against COVID-19. Here is my prayer; God of hope and healing, at this time of a virus outbreak, protect us all and give us courage and healing with love.
